"In this heartfelt anthology, BTS faces moments of illness and vulnerability, revealing the strength found in their bond. Through fevers, exhaustion, and emotional struggles, the members care for one another with tenderness and love. Comfort in Weakness highlights the healing power of friendship, showing that even in their weakest moments, they are never truly alone."
HII! I'm creating a BTS sickfic anthology (book) because there aren't enought of themmm!!!!
All the work in this book is by me, so please do not steal.
I do write: PLATONIC relations Fluff, emeto, fainting, describtion of intense pain/injury
I do NOT write: MCD, smut, romantic relations (between the members), littlespace
Please do not hate on the book, if you did not like, please just either block me or just simply don't read it. Hate against the characters in the book is okay, as long as it's against the fictional one and not in real life.
Have a fabulous day cuties!
-Sujin, your boothiful and hot author
During their concert tour, the members went on their private jet to go to Mexico, but they never arrived.
After crashing in the middle of nowhere the boys need to rely on each other to stay seven while they are waiting for someone to find them. But what if nobody finds them? And what dangers will they face in the meantime?
In short: an airplane crash story since we can't have enough of them :)