At Sebong University, a prestigious sports institution in Seoul, talented athletes from various disciplines gather to chase their dreams-not just as students, but as aspiring professionals determined to excel both academically and athletically. Among them is Boo Seungkwan, a gifted young athlete from Jeju. Seungkwan transferred to Seoul to hone his skills, receive proper training, and pursue his lifelong dream of joining the national team. However, his journey is overshadowed by his rivalry with Moon Sangmin, a rising star who has already secured a spot on the national team and is making waves on the international stage.
On the other hand, Sung Si-Eun, a renowned table tennis prodigy, has dominated the sport since her youth, earning numerous titles and accolades. Despite her success, playing table tennis no longer brings her joy. Her struggle is further complicated by controversies surrounding her gameplay, especially when she defeats Chinese players, drawing unwarranted criticism. Hoping to reignite her passion for the sport, the national team's head coach transfers her to Sebong University, where she must rediscover her love for the game and prepare for the upcoming Olympics.
This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to real people, places, or events is purely coincidental.
Seventeen Imagines for all 13 members
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