Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber have known each other for ages, due to the fact that they share their manager, Scooter Braun. Ariana has always felt something for Justin, but has been too shy to admit it, she can't even admit it to herself. And little did she know, Justin feels the exact same way. One night, Scooter decides to put them both on the stage, to get Justin back on track, now that he's going to go on tour this summer, with his new album that's coming out may. As they where standing there on the stage, there was a moment when they saw each other in the eyes. They both felt something they've never felt in each other. After the show, Ariana decides to follow Justin to his house, and one thing leads to another and they make a mistake. A gigantic one.
Luke, un niño de 13 años amante de todo tipo de novelas, series y mangas, muere y reencarna en el mundo de Wednesday con poderes psíquicos por encima de la media.
Mientras se sumerge en el mundo de los marginados y los monstruos, descubrirá que no es tan simple como parece. Luke en su nueva vida es descendiente del famoso escritor Edgar Allan Poe y debe lidiar con un viejo rencor familiar.