In an alternate Tensura universe born from two primordial forces, Anos Voldigoad-the Demon King of Tyranny-stands as an unrivaled power, existing alongside Veldanava, the god of creation. Retaining the full might and abilities from his previous life, Anos establishes himself as a being even the True Dragons respect, and many gods avoid. His legendary strength has given rise to the powerful demon empire of Avernus, a nation that towers over even the feared Eastern Empire, and commands both awe and terror across the land.
Under Anos' rule, Avernus has become a fortress of might, justice, and loyalty, where only the strongest and most worthy are granted citizenship and purpose. His empire upholds his philosophy: that true strength serves a greater balance and that power without honor is meaningless. Anos' rule has brought peace and order but also fear-so much so that even the True Dragons approach him with caution, wary of the force he could unleash if provoked.
In this world, two powerful women have become closer to Anos than any others. Luminous Valentine, the True Demon Lord of the Holy Empire of Ruberios, has held deep admiration for him since he saved her nation from destruction at the claws of Veldora, the Storm Dragon. Her gratitude and respect soon blossomed into love, and she now serves as both his ally and companion. But she is not alone in her devotion. Velzard, the Ice Dragon and elder sister of Veldora, also finds herself drawn to the Demon King. Captivated by his power, wisdom, and the rare compassion he shows, Velzard respects Anos not only as an unmatched being but as a true partner.
With both Luminous and Velzard at his side, Anos now stands not only as a ruler but as a legend, a figure shrouded in mystery, feared by nations, and envied by gods
Izuku Yagi the son of the number 1 hero All Might and Green Tornado realized something at a very young age, life is unfair. He was constantly bullied, neglected, abused, and made fun of by his family and his friends. But what if one day he gains the life he deserves, and unrivaled power?
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