(Another different kind of Union story) When thinking or going to the outdoors most would be safe, having repellents to counter most outdoor threats, having fun, using portable devices and prepare for any sorts of trouble. This place isn't the outdoors most would think, especially when the so called great outdoors becomes the wild. On each separate worlds people from other realities are push and sent to another where they cross paths, they all must survive the wild. Filled with dangerous plants, the harsh environments and creatures that want nothing more than to survive or eat them for breakfast. However it comes with a catch, they must survive. Without their powers, however a small team came to the rescue and save these individuals from danger. They're the top dogs, no! They're what most of these creatures feared, the Apex predators. Join them on an adventure to survive this reality with the Apex Predators who survived this world, growing in numbers, surviving dangerous situations and living as if it was their last
Five years wasn't enough for a twenty five year old Kim taehyung to forget his love for Park jimin.
Taehyung went abroad in hopes of forgetting jimin but all it took was a needy, drunk jimin knocking at his doorstep for everything to resurface.
Just vmin being in love and not confessing to each other, that's it, that's the story