In the streets of modern-day Seoul, Asa Enami, a woman from Japan's Edo period, is mysteriously transported to the year 2024. Confused and disoriented in this unfamiliar world, Asa soon encounters Chiquita - a carefree, rich, and vibrant university student, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Asa's long-lost love, Canny. The two share an undeniable connection, but Chiquita insists she's not Canny. As Asa grapples with her inexplicable time travel, she uncovers buried memories that point to Chiquita's best friend, Ahyeon, the mysterious figure from her past who had been the cause of her tragic separation from Canny.
As Asa and Chiquita grow closer, Asa must navigate the complexities of this modern world and decide whether to return to her own time or fight for a love that seems to have transcended centuries. With Ahyeon harboring secrets of her own and Chiquita's heart slowly opening to the stranger who calls her "Canny," a love story unfolds against the backdrop of time, fate, and a tangled past.
Will Asa choose to stay in the present, or will the weight of time tear them apart once again? And what role does Ahyeon play in a love that has already faced the cruelty of separation?
hello new readers, it doesn't matter if this is the fourth book you don't have to read in order! that's all
OCTOBER 15 2017 - APRIL 2 2018
i own none of these pictures so i'd like to give credits to all those amazing people who took these pictures, edited, and recorded these videos :)
[includes swearing]