Hearts at War follows the intense and passionate journey of Freen and Becky, two ambitious CEOs competing for the same high-stakes project in the cutthroat world of business. At first, their rivalry is fueled by ambition and a desire to outsmart each other, but as they battle for dominance, a magnetic attraction grows between them, blurring the lines between professional and personal.
Despite their competitive nature, they find themselves drawn to each other in ways they never expected, navigating not only the pressures of their respective companies but also the complexities of their developing relationship. As they face betrayals, secrets, and corporate sabotage, Freen and Becky must decide if their connection is strong enough to survive the war they've both waged, or if their hearts will be casualties of the battle.
Hearts at War is a story of power, passion, betrayal, and love-where the stakes are high, and the cost of losing could be more than just their careers.
Freen Sarocha and Amber Todd are famous under 23s ladies footballers who play for their local football team the Boston Bells,,, plus the national under 23s USA team,