In the bustling city of New York, a famous pop star named Twyla Star is at the peak of her career. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when she receives death threats from a rival criminal organization. To protect her, her team hires two men, Giovanni and Marco, who are members of the mafia.
Giovanni is serious, disciplined, and follows the rules to the letter. Marco, on the other hand, is more laid-back, charismatic, and has a more intuitive approach. Despite their differences, both share a deep sense of loyalty to their mafia family and are determined to keep Sofia safe.
Twyla, known for her strong and stubborn character, doesn't make their job easy. At first, she resists the constant surveillance and restrictions imposed by her new bodyguards. However, as the threats become more real and dangerous, she begins to trust them.
As Giovanni and Marco work together to protect Twyla, both start to develop feelings for her. Twyla, in turn, is drawn to the stability and security that Giovanni offers, but also to the warmth and charm of Marco. This love triangle further complicates the situation, as jealousy and conflicting emotions test their professionalism and ability to work as a team.
With danger lurking around every corner, Giovanni and Marco must face not only external enemies but also their own feelings and internal conflicts. In the end, Twyla will have to make a decision that will not only affect her safety but also her heart, as the three of them struggle to survive in a world full of betrayals and dangers.