Three princes, Heesueng, Sunghoon, and Jungwon, find themselves drawn to unexpected loves beyond the walls of their royal palace.
Heesueng, the eldest, finds himself captivated by Jake, the spirited son of a powerful duke, during a chance encounter in the forest. Heesueng, a skilled hunter, is instantly smitten by Jake's charisma and wit, sparking a love that defies tradition.
Sunghoon, the second prince, discovers a quiet charm in Sunoo, a kind bookstore owner, during a visit to the village library. Sunghoon, a lover of literature and knowledge, finds himself drawn to Sunoo's gentle nature and passion for stories.
Jungwon, the youngest prince, finds himself drawn to Jay, a villager known for his gentle nature and love for children, during a stroll through the village. Jungwon, a prince with a compassionate heart, finds himself captivated by Jay's kindness and warmth.
These three princes, each seeking their own path to happiness, find themselves drawn to unexpected loves beyond the confines of their royal lives. Their intertwined stories explore themes of love, identity, and the courage to embrace one's true self in a world that often tries to confine them.