I might as well as been starring in toykyo drift. My New silver truck swerved and smashed the weird monsters into road pizza. As I role down my window to tell cobe to get in, Cole shoots a skinny freak in the head. "Cobe get in!" I shout. He jumps head first into the trunk holding on for dear life. We drive along US23 and pull into Cabelas. No one is there. As we pull up, the store is dark. We flick on the lights to see everyone is gone. We begin to rush about and gather anything we can find. I go along the gun racks selecting a few here and there, Then I see my holy grail. The 44 magnum is sitting there. I grab it and a double barrel shotgun. I give cobe, cole and drew their new guns. I snag a few machetes and hatchets for any other survivors. After about a 15 minute drive through hell we pulled into My school. Olentangy High School.