In the sprawling neon-lit streets of Night City, V stumbles upon a forgotten relic beneath the ruins of a hidden Arasaka facility-a mysterious cryogenic pod, centuries old, left sealed and forgotten in the depths of the city. Inside lies Alita, a legendary warrior from a bygone era, forged from nanotechnology and designed to be an ultimate weapon. For reasons unknown, Alita was locked away in this pod, sealed in slumber after a catastrophic battle against one of the megacorporations that once tried to control her.
When V awakens Alita, she unleashes a fighter like no other. Alita's body is a marvel of nanotech engineering, capable of feats beyond any known cyberware. Her Damascus blade gleams with deadly potential, and her mastery of Panzer Kunst, an ancient combat art, is unparalleled. As Alita adjusts to the ruthless reality of Night City, she finds herself grappling with the memories of a time when she fought for justice and protected the innocent-a stark contrast to the chaotic, morally ambiguous world she's awoken into.
V and Alita form an unlikely partnership, bound by mutual respect and a shared struggle against the megacorporations that dominate the city. But as Alita's legend spreads, she catches the eye of powerful factions who see her as the ultimate asset-or the ultimate threat. With the city's most notorious mercenaries and the unyielding Arasaka enforcers hunting her, Alita must confront her past and forge a new path, challenging the very power structures that imprisoned her.
Together with V, Alita fights to protect those who can't protect themselves and to uncover the secrets of her own origin, all while carving a legend that Night City will never forget. But in a world where honor is rare and betrayal is currency, can a battle angel stay true to her sense of justice without losing herself to the darkness?
𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚. For 11 years of her life Arianna has been pushed, beaten and forced to become a top assassin. At the age of 5, little Arianna was kidnapped after witnessing the death of her mother.
𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢. Missing daughter of notorious mafia don Stefano Moretti. Arianna remembers everything. She knows everything about her family (well not everything).
Find out what happens when Arianna is thrown back into the arms of her father and brothers. Follow her story of lies, adventure and death as she re discovers her love for her family.
Throw in a mysterious boy and overprotective brothers, guns, death and much more in her journey to finding herself.