This story, "Ang Babaeng Salamin," tells the heartwarming tale of Krisha, a brilliant but shy girl often teased for being "nerdy" and wearing glasses. She finds solace in her love for science, particularly quantum physics, and a quiet life of studying.
One day, she bumps into Miguel, a charismatic and kind boy who admires her intelligence and passion for knowledge. Their initial encounter leads to an unlikely friendship, a shared love for learning, and a bond that transcends the usual high school cliques.
As their friendship deepens, Miguel becomes Krisha's confidant, standing up for her against bullies and encouraging her to embrace her love for science. Together, they face the challenges of high school, including a demanding science competition where they push their limits and discover their strengths.
Throughout the story, the narrative explores themes of self-acceptance, the power of friendship, and the importance of pursuing one's passions. Krisha learns to embrace her intelligence and find confidence in her abilities, while Miguel discovers the beauty of genuine connection and the strength of supporting someone who is different.
The story culminates in a touching confession of love, as Miguel and Krisha realize that their bond goes beyond friendship. They embark on a journey of love, discovering that their shared passion for science and mutual respect for each other's unique qualities are the foundation of a strong and lasting relationship.
"Ang Babaeng Salamin" is a story about finding your voice, embracing your strengths, and the power of love to overcome challenges and inspire growth. It's a reminder that true beauty lies not in appearances but in the kindness, intelligence, and courage we possess within.
#1 in teenagegirl
#1 in overprotective
#3 in anxiety
Maddie Rossi is only 13, and has known nothing but pain and heartbreak her entire life. Only a shell of what she was before her mother took her away when she was 2, she has no recollection of who she was before. All she knows now is her mom and her stepfather who made sure that she would never be whole again.
The Rossi brothers have struggled to cope with having lost their only sister to their mother when she was only 2 years old as well as the pressure of running their father's mafia following his death.
When her guardians' deaths reveal 6 brothers she didn't know existed and the Rossi family finally gets their little girl back, they all have secrets to hide and they realize she isn't the happy little girl they once knew.