In the quiet heart of a small town, Arya lived a life rich in dreams yet simple in its routine. A 20-year-old college student majoring in arts, she was driven by a quiet passion to become something more than what her small town could offer. That passion found its voice the day a close friend introduced her to BTS. What started as casual curiosity soon became a life-changing discovery.
She began watching their performances, immersing herself in their music and messages. Among them, it was Jungkook who held a special place in her heart. While she admired each member of BTS like older brothers, Jungkook felt different-he became her imaginary best friend, her secret confidant. In moments of joy and sorrow, she would talk to herself as if speaking to him, sharing her dreams, frustrations, and little victories, as though he could somehow hear her. She even stayed up late to catch his livestreams, feeling as though he was right there, listening quietly as she spoke to the night.
Through BTS, Arya also found her soul-sisters: Love, a lively Jimin enthusiast, and Nish, a quiet Taehyung admirer. Though miles apart, their friendship grew stronger with every shared moment, late-night conversations, and dreams of one day traveling to Korea together. They dreamed of attending a BTS concert, seeing their idols up close, and experiencing a life they'd only dared to imagine. For Arya, the dream was simple-to see Jungkook once, to feel the energy of a BTS concert in person. She didn't want him to know her name or hold her hand; just one glimpse was all she needed.
But life has its own plans, and Arya's journey is only beginning.
Join her as she discovers how far her dreams can take her, and whether fate has something extraordinary waiting for her on the other side of the world. Will she find herself closer to her inspiration than she ever thought possible, or does life have an even bigger surprise in store?