In the heart of a forgotten town stands Ravenshade Hospital, a long-abandoned institution shrouded in dark legend. Its crumbling walls and broken windows hide more than just decay-they hold the restless spirits of those who died within, their tormented souls never able to escape. Over the years, countless groups of curious teens have ventured inside, drawn by the hospital's eerie reputation, but none have ever returned. Whispers tell of strange sounds in the halls, flickering lights, and shadowy figures that stalk the living.
One fateful night, a group of teens, eager for thrills, dares to enter Ravenshade. They explore its haunted corridors, their laughter quickly turning to fear as the building seems to come alive around them. One by one, they vanish, as if swallowed by the very walls. Only Lily, a terrified but determined teen, manages to flee. She stumbles out into the cold night, heart pounding, and makes her way to the nearest airport, desperate to escape the nightmare that haunts her.
Lily boards a plane, believing she has outrun the terror of Ravenshade. But as the plane soars into the night sky, the weight of what she has witnessed takes its toll. Exhausted and broken, Lily drifts into a deep sleep, her body finally succumbing to the horrors she's endured. She dies quietly in her seat, the flight attendants unaware of the tragedy until it's too late.
Though Lily is the only one to escape Ravenshade, she is not truly free. The hospital's curse followed her, and in the end, it claimed her life as well, leaving behind only the chilling reminder that some places are never meant to be left behind.