The story unfolds in a mystical world where werewolf packs live in hidden territories, surrounded by forests and mountains. Liana's exile cottage sits on the outskirts of her former pack's lands, while the Alpha's home base, a small yet close-knit pack struggling under a curse, is nestled deep within the heart of a dense, enchanted forest.
Liana has lived in exile for years because of a birthmark, known as "The Mark of the Forsaken," which her pack believes brings a terrible curse. But when Ryker, an Alpha in need of help, finds her, Liana has a chance to prove that her mark might be the key to saving his pack. As the two work together, Liana uncovers secrets about her heritage-and a power within her that she never knew she possessed.
Rising Action
As Liana and Ryker work together to break the curse, they grow close, their fated mate bond intensifying their connection. Liana begins to unlock strange powers tied to her mark, which allow her to hold sway over the supernatural forces behind the curse. However, she discovers dark truths about her family's past and the curse's origins, which reveal that her ancestors created the curse to protect against a greater evil.
Liana faces a devastating choice: use her powers to fully defeat the enemy causing the curse, which could save Ryker's pack but may cost him his life, or attempt a riskier, untested path that could save everyone without sacrifice. At the height of her internal struggle, Liana must confront the part of herself that longs for acceptance and the part that fears her power.
In the end, Liana's choice has lasting consequences on her relationship with Ryker, her understanding of her power, and her sense of belonging. Whether or not she finds a way to save him and the pack, Liana finally understands the truth about her heritage and accepts herself fully, stepping into her role not as a curse, but as a force of hope for her people.
Born an omega into the strongest pack in the forest, Olwen Adams was fated to the Alpha's son and to become the Luna of the Silver Arrow Pack. But her fated mate and her future position were both taken from her by another she-wolf. Salvaging her pride, she chose to leave her home and become a rogue.
Alpha Landon Cartwright had lost his fated mate before he'd even started leading the Moon River Pack. After the rejection, he'd thrown himself into his work, ignoring any attempts by others to find him a Luna.
A year ago, he thought he'd found someone who interested him only to find she was mated to another-so why was she suddenly surviving alone and near his pack borders?
#1 in omega (2 May 2024)
#2 in wolf (8 May 2024)
#1 in choices (14 May 2024)
#1 in mates (2 June 2024)
#1 in omegaverse (2 June 2024)
#1 in packs (2 June 2024)
#1 in werewolf (17 July 2024)
#1 in cheating (31 July 2024)