Genre: Dark fantasy, romance, Boys love
In the foreboding halls of Mortisia Porta Academia, where death and darkness reign, a twisted game of power and seduction unfolds. Meet Nyx, the enigmatic God of Death, and Lux, a defiant young soul who dares to challenge his authority. As their paths collide, a dance of fate and desire ensues, blurring the lines between life and death, love and obsession. With each step, Lux becomes entangled in Nyx's dark world, where secrets lurk in every shadow.
Will Lux survive the treacherous landscape of Mortisia Porta Academia, or will Nyx's deadly allure prove too great to resist?
Book 1 My Hero Academia Fan Fic: Fear Of Trust (Complete)
30 parts Complete
30 parts
You go on an adventure with your twin brother trying become a hero. However, due to an accident within your past, you had trouble trusting anyone, especially heroes. The students in UA will try everything in their power to help you trust again. You are annoyed and irritated. Are you really going to listen to these students? Or do you have other plans?
*I do not own this anime, only the OC.