In a world where dreams intertwine with reality, 17-year-old Alex, with her striking red ruby hair and emerald green eyes, discovers a hidden realm accessed only through sleep. This dream world, known as Somnia, is filled with mystical creatures, ancient secrets, and powerful forces. As Alex navigates this enchanting yet perilous landscape, she uncovers a prophecy that could change everything.
Unbeknownst to Alex, she is a Weaver, a being capable of shaping reality through her imagination. The life she thought she had before was merely a figment of her imagination, a creation of her mind. Before Alex enters the real reality in Somnia, she thought she lived a normal life, but it was all a creation of her mind.
In Somnia, she discovers that Weavers are rare and powerful, with the ability to create and manipulate entire worlds. As Alex navigates this new world, she will soon discover that she is the only Weaver left. This realization brings immense responsibility and challenges, as she must learn to harness her powers and protect Somnia from dark forces that threaten its existence.
Along her journey, Alex enlists the help of a criminal bad boy, a secret Imperial princess, and a merchant boy, each with their own unique skills and backgrounds. Together, they face dark adversaries and unlock the true potential of their dreams. With new friends and unexpected allies by her side, Alex must harness her inner strength to confront the challenges ahead. The greatest challenge of all, however, might be accepting that there was never a real home to return to all along. As the lines between dreams and reality continue to blur, Alex's journey in Somnia becomes a quest for understanding, identity, and discovering where she truly belongs.
Stay tuned to SOMNIA chosen to find out what happens to Alex along her journey, who she meets and who she will become along the way!
Please keep in mind any of the art is not mine! My beloved cousin @imma_sin does it! u can find them on tiktok!