A strange and terrifying force descends upon Earth, bringing with it the birth of a new, nightmarish civilization. The Horror Game World, as it is called, forces everyone at the age of eighteen to enter a dark, supernatural world where survival is a brutal challenge. In this world, terror reigns, and only the strongest-those who can conquer their fear-survive.
Alex, an 18-year-old who is thrust into this horrific reality, discovers a unique ability-he can influence the emotions of ghosts. By manipulating their feelings, Alex earns rewards from the system that governs this nightmarish world. Each reward, each completed mission, allows Alex to grow stronger and acquire more power.
At first, Alex is simply trying to survive. But as he progresses through increasingly dangerous missions, he discovers the ability to create his own enterprises within the Horror World-entities, businesses, and realms that allow him to grow even more formidable. In a world ruled by fear, Alex learns to harness it and reshape it to his advantage.