What you're looking for what you're hoping to find
if you keep looking behind
just cornered memories you left unlock
in a box of the dreams you hoped to have forgot
dusting of the soul of the old being in resurfacing
of a new beginning
what's your story book, of a novel rewritten in time
of yesterdays riddles and rhyme just the mere thought
of the beating of your heart fallen apart in search of a
memory that started the spark.
memories that no longer
are yours when you
share them they become the worlds
castle of the gleaming sand stroked with the
touch of hands to mold and sculpt
we knew they would crumble knew they
would fall,even when against a wall
what are you hoping to see if you don't
look, like a jig saw puzzle scattered
across the floor new life outside that door
whimpered and waddle in your self pain
what's the purpose with no gain
don't you have no shame if you cant
isn't it all the same
who's the memory holding you back
like a train off track what's the fighting
what's it all for if you cant get passed the door
who are you trying to save a memory that's gone
forever or just a memory that got away
of the seeding of your heart like that of
a vein needing blood to feed what's the
purpose if you don't succeed.
tucked in your dreams at night
what a familiar sight rather its
wrong or right you want win without the fight.......