In the prestigious Ouran Academy, Mizuki Ayase, a brilliant and competitive young woman from a respected family, has been betrothed to Kyoya Ootori since middle school. The two have always been rivals, constantly challenging each other academically, yet their bond runs deeper than they care to admit. Mizuki, with her elegance, sharp intellect, and aspirations of opening a café, is a unique presence in the Ouran Host Club, playing a supporting role while maintaining her quiet yet fierce demeanor. As she balances her future dreams, her rivalry with Kyoya, and her growing feelings for him, Mizuki navigates the complexities of love, family, and ambition. In a world full of beauty, wealth, and competition, will Mizuki and Kyoya's betrothal evolve into something more than just an arrangement?
Reborn in the Naruto world, Shin Uzumaki finds himself in the doomed Land of Whirlpools. As a member of the Uzumaki Clan! Trapped in a world filled with war, betrayal, and unimaginable power, Shin's survival seems impossible.. Until it isn't!!
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[Daily Login Reward: Common Replication Card.]
[Newbie Gift: Perfect Sage Body-Adamantine Sealing Chains-Four Symbols Seal]
With the power to Copy any Ability-whether it's the Kekkei Genkai or Rinnegan or Forbidden jutsu-Shin begins his journey to dominate the Ninja World.
[First task: Save Kushina and prevent the destruction of the Uzumaki Clan.]