The Fight for Justice follows Naina Singh Ahluwalia and her team of cadets at the prestigious Kanchenjunga Military Academy (KMA) as they uncover a conspiracy that threatens not only their lives but the future of those they love. When Naina's brother, Naveen, is wrongfully imprisoned, she embarks on a mission to expose the truth, with the help of her friends and the mysterious Captain Rajveer Singh Shekhawat. As they dig deeper, they uncover a dark web of corruption involving powerful figures like Lala Gehlot and Colonel Shakti Chandra. Along the way, Naina and Rajveer develop a bond that transcends duty, but the road to justice is fraught with danger, loss, and unexpected twists. The stakes are high, and as they face threats both internal and external, they must fight not just for truth, but for the future they believe in. Will they clear Naveen's name and dismantle the corrupt system, or will the shadows of power consume them all?
16 in #RagLak Out Of 1.39K On 22/08/2019
14 in RagLak Out Of 1.39K On 26/08/2019
11 in #RagLak Out Of 1.39 On 31/08/2019
34 in #RagLak Out of 1.46k on 10/12/2024
SwaRAGINI plot.
⚠Not Edited ⚠
Published on: 15/08/2018
An simple one shot on RagLak..
Life is unfair for her...
Her love for him didn't fade away...
Too much to take...
Will she win back his love?