32 parts Ongoing In a world where dynamics define identity, Lee Felix hides a secret that could change everything. Classified as a Sub at the age of fourteen, Felix has spent his life mastering the art of self-control and secrecy. Surrounded by a group of talented Doms-Bang Chan, Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin-he's determined to prove his worth beyond his designation.
But as the stress of promotions and comebacks piles on, cracks begin to form in Felix's carefully constructed walls. His longing for connection clashes with his fear of vulnerability, especially as he watches his hyungs care for other subs with ease and affection.
As suspicion grows among the group, Felix faces an impossible choice: keep his secret and risk breaking under the pressure or let his instincts take over and trust that his hyungs will catch him when he falls.