This fanfiction is cross-posted on both Tumblr: ace-maverick ( and AO3: Ace_Maverick ( Please feel free to leave a like or comment! "Do you ever take a break from your Magic Knight duties, Lord Silva?" Fuegoleon asked sarcastically. "Do you ever take a break from being an insufferable ass, Lord Vermillion?" Nozel returned. They had a penchant for this sort of banter, teetering on a will-they, won't-they, flirtatious but at the same time bitchy exchange about them. Their repartee was as familiar as it was exhausting, a well-worn dance of barbs that allowed them to blow off steam while maintaining the facade of decorum befitting their status. Fuegoleon's chuckle was low and brief, but it held a note of genuine amusement. "Your sharp tongue does little to mask the fact that you look like death warmed over, Nozel." - Their relationship was one of ambiguous romance where neither pushed for labels and 'I love yous' were never exchanged instead settling for the obscurity of blurred lines. They enjoyed late-night rendezvous and quiet company without the strings of definition, prying society, and the freedom of other partners. - or Fuegoleon and Nozel have been in an ambiguous relationship for fifteen years. When Fuegoleon is incapcitated for six months after the assault on the Royal Capital by the Eye of the Midnight Sun and Nozel refuses to visit him, he recieves three chance encounters to convince him otherwise. or A character study on how two idiots define a fifteen-year, ambigious relationship.All Rights Reserved