"Finished," Hyunjin says, packing everything away and tossing out the cotton balls.
"Thank you," you whisper, looking at the gauze. It's tight, but not in a way that you feel your blood won't flow. The whole time Hyunjin was nothing but gentle, even when applying the ointment. "I'm sorry... you felt you had to do this."
Hyunjin snaps his gaze to you, alarmed and serious. "Don't apologize. Please, never apologize for that. I will always-" He cuts himself off, looking away. "I will always be here for you."
You almost wish it wouldn't show up. The letter that makes an appearance in your mailbox every winter around Christmas time for the past five years. A letter hand crafted by the same hands for years.
An invitation to the Bang-Lee cabin.
It's not that you don't want to see Chan or Minho; you love them both dearly, but you know he would be there and you don't want to see him.
But there was only two ways this would go: you could suck it up and deal with him or you could hide from him and show that he won.
With that in mind, there was only one choice
You'll go.