All Stephanie Stark wanted were just a few things in life-Helping her dad and stepmom raise Morgan, keep Wanda sane and safe, help the Autobots adjust to life on Earth while their planet was being rebuilt, and marry Steve Rogers. Well, she got only three of those as Steve decided to up and leave, going back in time to stay with Peggy. Heartbroken, Stephanie decides to move to the NEST base full time but when she hears that Thunderbolt Ross is gunning for Wanda, she takes her friend with her to the base where Wanda meets the Autobots. But with the threat of Unicron and some being known as Galactus, the two girls must fight alongside the Autobots to defeat the two powerful beings. Oh and there is another catch....Stephanie and Wanda find themselves growing feelings for certain Autobots. For Stephanie, it is Optimus and Ratchet while Wanda grows feelings for Ironhide and Chromia.
Optimus x Stephanie x Ratchet
Ironhide x Wanda x Chromia
*The rest of Transformers 2008-Transformers The Last Knight 2027 cast as themselves, though there is no set timeline nor universe, just picture everyone from the Bay Universe and the events of fourth film onward didn't happen, it's just there are Autobots in there that I do not feel like listing*
Persephone Jackson wasn't normal. Well, we already knew she was a demigod. But what if her other half wasn't human? The Doctor was warned he wasn't alone; what if there was someone besides the Master still around?
*I don't own the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus story, or Doctor Who