Villain in a Manga World follows Aiko Takahashi, a shy 16-year-old girl who's unexpectedly transported into her favorite manga, Sword of Honor. But instead of becoming a hero, Aiko is cast as Lady Kuro, the feared villainess with powerful dark magic. Determined to survive without succumbing to cruelty, Aiko faces challenges from every side, especially from Ren, the noble hero of the manga who's destined to defeat her. Aiko's unexpected acts of mercy confuse and intrigue both her supposed allies, like the loyal yet skeptical sorceress Kaede, and her enemies, including Ren's brash ally, Hiro, and her ruthless commander, General Moro. Throughout the story, Aiko is haunted by a mysterious shadow that tempts her to embrace her dark fate. As Aiko tries to rewrite her role, she must confront the limits of her own power, redefine her relationships, and ultimately decide whether she can change her destiny-or if she's doomed to fulfill Lady Kuro's tragic end.
8 parts