In a dystopian Thailand, Ming is a haunted young man whose life has been shaped by a near-death encounter with an enigmatic figure from his past. As he enters a new chapter at Bangkok University, he's drawn into the unsettling world of Professor Joe, an expert in psychology with a profound interest in human darkness. Amidst the oppressive university halls, designed like gateways to the underworld, Ming's suppressed memories begin to resurface. Guided-or perhaps manipulated-by Joe, Ming is forced to confront the secrets lurking in his mind, and the boundary between mentor and menace blurs dangerously. As questions of power, death, and control emerge, Ming faces a journey into the darkest parts of his psyche, with only Joe's cryptic guidance to illuminate his path. But as past and present collide, will he survive what lies in the shadows?
The character names Ming and Joe were inspired by a Thai show I enjoy called Mystandin. Apart from these names, the story is original and uniquely my own. Please do not share this work on other sites.