In a fractured world of 2056, humanity teeters on the brink of collapse as two superpowers wage a relentless, global war. On one side is the United Military Fronts (UMF), a coalition founded by the United States with allies across North America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, fighting to preserve progress and liberty. Their adversary, the Centralized Communist Movement (CCM), led by Russia, seeks to control the world under an iron fist, silencing freedom and colonizing nations through ruthless military force.
Captain Jonathan Stark, a seasoned UMF officer haunted by a painful past, is driven to end the CCM's brutal tyranny. From the North African desert to Moscow's frozen depths, he leads daring missions alongside his allies, uncovering secrets, suffering losses, and battling a relentless enemy with unparalleled firepower. As the CCM orchestrates an intricate web of deception, Stark and his comrades face insurmountable odds to shatter its empire once and for all.
With high-stakes missions, complex alliances, and the fierce spirit of resistance, this story plunges readers into a world of explosive battles and unforgettable characters, where every decision tips the scales of power-and survival is never guaranteed.
When Roger, an ordinary man with an extraordinary heart, is suddenly reincarnated into the body of Homelander, the world's most powerful and controversial hero, he faces an unimaginable challenge. Now endowed with not only Homelander's immense abilities but also Superman's legendary powers, Roger is both shocked and overwhelmed. What will his future hold???