Set in a world where superpowers and magic intertwine, Eclipse of the Forbidden follows Haru Takeda, an ordinary boy born without any special abilities in a prestigious school known for producing the world's most powerful heroes. Despite his lack of power, Haru is determined to stand out and prove himself, facing an uphill battle against bullies and the expectations of his classmates. When the school becomes a target for dark forces, Haru's resilience and resourcefulness become his greatest strengths. As an ancient creature is unleashed, wreaking havoc upon the school grounds, Haru must band together with unlikely allies: Sena, a master of elemental magic, Kai, a fierce elemental warrior, and Aria, a skilled swordswoman whose light powers cut through darkness. As the battle intensifies, Haru discovers the truth behind his own mysterious origins, unlocking powers from within that no one could have anticipated. But the conflict doesn't end with one victory-the shadows grow deeper, and new, more dangerous threats arise from the forbidden corners of the world. Haru's greatest challenge is just beginning: uncovering the dark secrets of the "Zenith Circle" and learning how to harness the full potential of his power before the entire world falls into darkness.
18 parts