Summary: In an alternate universe, Do Yoon unexpectedly stumbles into a world where everything is the same, yet different. In this universe, his once loving relationship with Ju Ha is replaced with bullying, hostility, and a strained dynamic. Ju Ha is not his boyfriend here; instead, he's cruel and homophobic, even going as far as to force Do Yoon to call him "sunbaenim" (senior). Do Yoon, struggling with the harsh treatment, continues to call Ju Ha "hyung," only to be met with physical punishment and anger.
As Do Yoon seeks a way back to his own universe, he realizes that there might be more than just the universe he knows and understands. In his universe, Do Yoon and Ju Ha share a loving relationship, but this version of Ju Ha is unrecognizable-a person who actively rejects his feelings.
Do Yoon must navigate the alienation and abuse in this new world, all while holding onto the hope of returning to the one where he belongs. Along the way, he uncovers secrets about both universes, his relationship with Ju Ha, and the forces that are pulling them apart.