Victor Voltaire and Elias Carter, two college students in 2024. Victor, a seemingly stoic man with jet black hair and silvery blue eyes and Elias, a sort of enigmatic man with soft black hair and platinum purple eyes. Two friends since 8th grade, now in the same college lecture. Where they read of the great tale of "Sherlock Holms"
The story which is believed to be fake. No historical records of these so called real figures were kept. Nothing of them, not a speck. Many, no, almost everyone believed it to be fake. Except Victor's and Elias' college professor. Whom seemed to have a little obsession over it all.
Yet, the two men never payed much attention to it. They also believed it to be a tale of fiction. Yet, lo and behold, our protagonist, mysteriously winding up in the past, the year of 1879. Gets to find out that these so called fictional characters are very much real. "This isn't logical" Was all he could think of.
Through the eyes of modern day man. Being able to see for himself, the story of Sherlock Holms. "That's strange" How come things are so different from the book?
I do not understand these complex ass characters well enough to fully portray them properly. My brain power is also limited so the story may have many plot holes and wack story telling. There of course will be profanity and the like. As well as death and murder. I will be mostly following the manga storyline for this.
⚠️Images used will be from pinterest. (I may use other resources to help me better with descriptions and the like).⚠️
Not everything will be cannon or fully cannon. Will have small grammatical errors. I am a newbie when it comes to story telling so bear with me. Oh and i failed geography + history so