In the near future, humanity faces its greatest challenges-AI-driven chaos, political instability, environmental collapse, and an existential identity crisis. Amid this turmoil, Evan, a brilliant project manager, is tasked with a groundbreaking mission: to summon the greatest minds of history and integrate them into modern society. The project, known as The Pantheon, aims to bring figures from history-philosophers, leaders, scientists, and warriors-into a world desperately in need of their wisdom.
But as these historical figures, such as Napoleon, Ada Lovelace, and Cleopatra, are awakened in a society they cannot comprehend, they must navigate a new world with values, challenges, and technology that would have seemed impossible in their own times. Some adapt quickly, others struggle with their place in this future world.
As Evan works to guide these legends, conflicts arise between the ideas of the past and the complexities of the present. Old ideologies clash with modern problems, and the lines between wisdom and outdated thinking blur. Can these figures truly help solve the crises that threaten humanity, or will their presence create more turmoil?
The Pantheon is a thrilling blend of historical fiction and speculative science fiction, where the wisdom of the past meets the urgent needs of the present. As Evan and his team strive to resolve the crises, the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.
This summary is under 2,000 characters and sets the stage for a rich, complex story filled with historical figures, modern crises, and an exploration of how the past can influence the future.
Kim Young-ho, a.k.a John Kim, is a personal trainer to Hollywood stars. Despite his family's wealth, Young-ho suffered a devastating illness in his childhood. But he believes living a healthy lifestyle and exercise is the only way to survive. He uses this to run from his family issues. His fear of his father and pity for his grandmother. A Hollywood scandal with an actress has him on the run back to Korea.
Kang Joo-eun was once an ulzzang in her teens, semi-famous for her pretty face and enviable figure. Now a 33-year-old lawyer, she has gained a lot of weight since. She passes out on a flight from the U.S. back to Korea and John Kim is the only medical personnel on the flight who takes charge. He watches out for her even after they arrive home. After getting dumped by her boyfriend, Im Woo Shik, she finds that she has the press pass for John Kim and proceeds to (blackmail) convince him to help her lose the weight.
She discovers that Young Ho has a weakness for being a knight in shining armor. She moves in with him, Ji Woong and Joon Sung (Korean Snake), after a stalking incident causes her to sell her apartment. As they work on her physical transformation, both discover they feel more for each than what they will admit. As they grow closer they heal each other's emotional wounds and fall in love.
BTW All Rights belong to KBS & Dramabeans.