In an exoplanet known as Copper-9, all biological human life has been exterminated due to the destruction of the planets core. In the wake of a winter apocalypse, autonomous robots called Worker Drones use their newfound freedom to live their lives and forge their own society. Unfortunately, their parent company, JCJenson, didn't appreciate the existence of 'rogue AI' so they sent robotic units called Disassembly Drones to the planet in order to exterminate them... or at least that's what the Worker Drones are led to believe. Uzi Doorman, a rebellious and angsty teenager with Daddy issues, believes that her people must rise up to the challenge and fight back against the Murder Drones, but that's easier said than done due to the that fact most of her fellow colonists are all cowards and they treat her like an outcast. However, the real reason she wants to fight back is because she blames humanity for the death of her mother and wishes to exterminate all of them. But that all changes when a unique drone lands on the planet.