From death there is life, and in life comes death. The balance of the world, the natural order, and no stranger to Gotham, the home of vengeance. From the dark shadows and sunless alleyways comes the bat, the vigilante, the Batman. Gotham's detective, Gotham's fist of vengeance. And in vengeance comes the macabre, the morbid, the Mortician. Gotham's undertaker, Gotham's shepherd. In a city full of crime and decay, the Batman seeks the aid of the Mortician, unknowingly starting the clock on his own demise.
Felicia Hardy is the daughter of millionaire Walter Hardy, the successful owner of the medical supplies manufacturer Hardy Corporation. When she moves to Midtown High School in the midst of Senior Year, teenage vigilante Peter Parker wonders why his spider-sense goes insane when he's around her.
Trigger Warnings/Content Warnings;
Violence, blood, sexual violence, drug use, sex, adult language.
Disclaimer- All rights/characters go to Marvel. I own NONE of these characters unless they are original characters.
Disclaimer- I do not own any of the photographs/GIFS/videos or quotes used throughout the story, all credit goes to their rightful owners.
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