In a dying world plagued by mosters, Mara's unlike other humans who have to be injected to gain unnatural abilities. When her cytokinesis abilities surface and the Establishment try to use her as a weapon to bring all universes under their control, she flees her universe and ends up in a world of Titans where she meets a group of people who have been separated from the universe's for years. With her skills as a deepspace hunter, Mara teams up with Commanders Erwin, Hange, and Levi to try and reclaim their world. As she struggles to prove her worth to humanity's strongest soldier, they are forced to work together despite their hatred for each other, and sparks begin to fly. As Mara learns how to survive in this new world while trying to keep her presence a secret from the monsters and Establishment Hunters that come for her while trying to defeat every titan and reclaim the walls, she might just uncover a huge secret that could change the future of the universe.
AUTHOR NOTE: this story is NOT supposed be 100 percent accurate to the manga or anime, and so the story will be slightly different. That being said, while I think the entire story itself is worth reading, this story is also a romance between my original main character and Levi Ackerman. If that is not something that appeals to you, I would still ask that you give this story a chance purely for the plot. Enjoy!