THE OWL HOUSE MEETS GRAVITY FALLS! self-explanatory XD idk I don't rly have a storyline yet lol, we'll see where it takes us!! suggestion from: Just A FluffyWaffle (@FluffyPotatoWaffle) go follow them, they're awesome <333 !! COVER IMAGE DOES NOT BELONG TO ME !! this story is not mature, it's meant for kids and young teens and fans of these shows (anyone really)! I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS FANFIC!!!! >:D ps. for anyone already familiar w/me, Hellaverse Romance is still my main focus!!! pps. THERE'S NO SWEARS (idc if u swear in the comments, it's js no swearing will be said by any of the characters unless it's like "damn" or "hell" or "crap"or somethin'All Rights Reserved