A Twilight Fan Fiction Novella in honor of the new Facebook films expected in 2015. Freaky Fred watched the only family he had left to him die on a battlefield at the hands of blond brat and her over sized bear. He vowed revenge and set off in a fury hoping to catch the cruel vampires unawares. Time has past and his heart still hurts for his loss but the flames that fueled his fury have become glowing embers. His curiosity and need to save the world combined with his solitary lifestyle do not reconcile with his hate and so confused and alone he ventures across Canada's arctic tundra until he finds an unlikely ally and a new type of blond trouble. A note from the author: I enjoyed the Twilight stories film and book alike. I especially love the soundtracks weren't they amazing? As an enjoy-er of this universe I love reading the stories others tell in it, the re-imaginings and multiple adventures fans take these characters on. I hope everyone enjoys this tale. I may do three. I do not often comment in the chapters but love hearing suggestions and opinions and will respond in comments. So please, read, enjoy, feel free to comment I look forward to our conversations.All Rights Reserved