Kang Haerin, a seemingly perfect and innocent girl, is born into a world of luxury as the only child of a powerful CEO. With a father who constantly shields her from any consequences, Haerin leads a charmed life, adored by everyone at Hanlim High. But everything changes when her best friend, Jihye, a kind-hearted girl from a humble background, becomes the target of relentless bullying. Despite Haerin's attempts to protect her, Jihye takes her own life, leaving Haerin shattered and filled with an insatiable rage.
Devastated by the loss and consumed by guilt, Haerin's grief turns into cold, calculated vengeance. She begins to methodically punish those who tormented Jihye - the bullies who made her life miserable. With her wealth, intelligence, and newfound ruthlessness, Haerin uses her influence to destroy their lives, manipulating situations and exposing their deepest secrets. Her actions are careful, precise, and always in the shadows, as she becomes a silent executioner of justice.
Haerin's transformation from a pampered, sheltered girl to a dangerous and calculating force of retribution leaves a trail of ruined lives behind her.
Haerin's Game is a dark story of loss, vengeance, and the consequences of living in a world where power and wealth can shield you from reality - until the price becomes too high to pay.