Title: The Goddess of Shadows
In the Hidden Leaf Village, Suriyeon is no ordinary shinobi. Mysterious, powerful, and possessing a heart of gold, she joins Team 7, forming deep bonds with Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. As her powers grow, secrets from her past begin to surface, revealing that she is not just a skilled fighter but a divine being, sent from a world beyond the mortal realm.
When the Fourth Great Ninja War erupts, Suriyeon stands with her comrades, but her divine heritage puts her at odds with her duty to Konoha. The Akatsuki and Madara see her as a powerful tool, but she defies them, fighting to protect those she loves. Her true powers shine as she confronts her divine parents, who order her to return to their realm-but her loyalty to Konoha keeps her grounded.
After the war, she chooses love and a life among mortals, marrying her beloved and raising two daughters. But peace is fleeting, as her divine parents disapprove of her marriage to a human and strip her powers as punishment. Now living as a mortal, Suriyeon uncovers a mystery within her younger daughter, Y/N, who seems to be without chakra yet displays signs of a hidden, ancient power.
As new dangers emerge, Suriyeon must confront her past once again to protect her family, even if it means standing against the divine realm itself. The Goddess of Shadows blends romance, adventure, and suspense in a journey of love, loyalty, and the unbreakable bond between a mother and her children, leading to a thrilling legacy that will unfold in a new saga.