Love, was not Alex Nakarov's interest, he loved his kingdom. He loved defending his kingdom and showing the world they were the best, that his People were the best. Well that was until the war, where he is pulled all the way to the enemies side, by his string of soul. When he finally found the the other end of his string, he couldn't take it, He ran. Leaving his soul of true in battle, where neither of them would come out without harm. Leaving his family stricken of their string of souls for hundreds of years, until finally they found it again.
Karina Leigh lighter of Chester Palace, Kingdom Black Hand. She was a Princess, who was fiercely loyal to her people, but was love struck with hate. Hatred for other royals, other kingdoms, especially one. At a ball she decided to finally give up the idea of finding her mate again...well until he was standing infront of her wearing his finest attire. Hosting the ceremonial peace ball.