Title: "Tangled Bonds"
Han Daeun, adopted at 10 by the wealthy Lee family, has always maintained a distant yet respectful relationship with his older adoptive brother, Lee Taekjoon. With a significant age gap, the two have never been particularly close, but they coexist peacefully in the same household.
Thirteen years later, when Daeun, now 23, is attacked by gangsters on the street, Taekjoon, now 31, comes to his rescue. This incident sparks a shift in their dynamic. Taekjoon begins to see Daeun in a new light, and Daeun is forced to confront unexpected feelings of closeness and attraction. As their relationship deepens, both men struggle with their emotions, unsure of how to navigate the growing tension between them. What was once a simple sibling bond becomes complicated by desires neither of them fully understands, leading them to question the nature of family, love, and the boundaries they've long respected.
"Tangled Bonds" is a story of forbidden emotions, the complexities of family, and the blurred lines between love and kinship in a world where sometimes, the heart doesn't follow the rules.
Diana is an 18 year old girl about to start her senior year until she bumps into a woman at the bookstore who has quite the personality. The woman takes the book Diana had her eye on.
Diana's senior year soon becomes one she would have never expected when the book thief and her meet again.
This is not edited so it might be a little messy and it is not a slow burn!!!
Story includes:
-mention of abuse
^Do not read if you are disturbed with these!!