1 part Ongoing TO CATCH A THIEF
After being bitten by a genetically engineered spider, young Peter Parker finds that he now has incredibly enhanced strength, speed and agility. Along with the ability to adhere to any surface, a precognitive spider-sense that warns him of danger and a pair of mechanized web shooters, the idealistic teenager fights against evil as the costumed hero Spider-Man.
Set during the decade of the 1990's, this is a Generation X version of the Amazing Spider-Man story. This is a time when young people believed that they had the power to change the world for the better. In order to make a difference, Peter will need to rely on his friends for help and have the courage to believe in good.
(Written: January 19, 2025)
The Attack on America was real. Washington D.C. was nearly destroyed in a vicious attack that was carried out by the evil Zoltan Amadeus and Harry Osborn. Only the heroic actions of Spider-Man prevented this tragedy from occurring. Now, the country has awakened to a sobering reality. The world has changed! New and dangerous threats are out there and must be dealt with if the American way of life is to survive.
Life moves on. That is the harsh reality facing Peter Parker. Still reeling from the death of his beloved Aunt May, the brave young man spends the summer of 1992 trying to deal with his pain. It is an ongoing process of grief. Making matters worse is the fact that Mary Jane Watson is no longer in his life. As he prepares to begin his college career at Empire State University, the young man stands at a crossroads. However, Peter's life is about to change once again. A black cat is about to cross his path.