"The True King of Hearts" is a poignant tale set in a quiet village nestled in misty mountains, where two men of vastly different fortunes-Sohan, a humble, kind-hearted man, and Raja, a wealthy but emotionally barren man-interact in a way that changes their lives and the perceptions of those around them. Sohan, despite his lack of material wealth, is revered for his wisdom, kindness, and generosity, while Raja, with all his riches, struggles to find peace or fulfillment.
The story takes a pivotal turn when Sohan, through his selfless actions, helps Raja in a moment of need, teaching him that true wealth lies not in material possessions but in the richness of love, kindness, and humility. Over time, Raja learns from Sohan's example, transforming from a man obsessed with wealth to one who understands the deeper meaning of life-one driven by generosity, compassion, and gratitude.
As Raja becomes more like Sohan, the village sees the difference between surface wealth and true wealth, recognizing Sohan as the true "king" of their hearts. Through this touching story, readers are reminded that the greatest riches are not measured by gold or land, but by the strength of the heart, the capacity to give, and the wisdom to live a life of purpose and peace.
Book-1 of Costello series.
Valentina is a free spirited bubbly girl who can sometimes be very annoyingly kind and sometimes just.. annoying. She has lived in Texas as long as she can remember with her mother with no knowledge of her rest of her family.
Suddenly her life takes a huge turn. Loved ones are lost and sudden revelations are made. She is not very good at dealing with changes.
Well let's just say she is in for a huge surprise when she finds out about her father and the fact that she has six brothers.
Yeah that's gonna be fun :)
Yup this is another older brother/ mafia family story. Enjoy!
Best rankings:
#1 in siblings
#1 in Big brothers
#1 in American mafia
#1 in Costello
#1 in cousin
#1 in lost Princess
#2 in mafia brothers
#2 in lost daughter
#3 in badass
#3 in family secrets
#4 in older brother
#5 in sarcasm
#4 in sister
#4 in reunited