Title: "No One Else, But Sorenzo's."
Genres: Love, Lust, Jealousy, Intensity, Psychological, Drama, Tragedy
Plot Description:
In No One Else, But Sorenzo's, love is anything but gentle or pure. Vyenna, a girl from an alternate universe, is hiding her true identity as she lives in disguise as a 17-year-old on Earth. With her real family far away, her non-biological brother is the only connection she has to a normal life. Yet, secrets linger in her mind, secrets she has to protect-until she meets Sorenzo, a dangerously intense CEO whose charm masks a troubled, obsessive heart.
Sorenzo has lived in a world of control, wealth, and hidden pain. After inheriting his father's powerful tech company, he uses his influence to shield himself from emotional wounds. But his life is wrapped in toxicity, especially with a girlfriend who matches his distrust and jealousy in every way. His mother's terminal illness is the one bond he has to family, yet even that is slipping from his grasp.
When Sorenzo meets Vyenna, he sees something different-someone untouched by his world's pain and corruption, a mystery he feels compelled to possess. Vyenna's independence and refusal to be controlled set his heart ablaze, and he quickly becomes infatuated, feeling that no one else deserves her but him. Their connection is electric and dangerous, filled with lust and possessiveness, as Sorenzo's obsession grows darker and more desperate.
But love between them is complex, and Vyenna is haunted by the cost of opening her heart and her secrets to a man like Sorenzo. Their love story blurs the lines between affection and obsession, between protection and control, as Sorenzo's past and Vyenna's hidden identity collide. Will love redeem them, or will it push them both over the edge?
In the end, the choice remains uncertain: Will their connection be their salvation, or will it lead to a tragic, fiery end?