The Light of Orderia is a sweeping fantasy that follows the journey of Elizia, a young mercenary thrust into a world of political intrigue, war, and ancient mysteries, when she discovers she is the lost princess of the embattled kingdom of Orderia. Alongside her Dragonian companion Hasher, who sees her as the sister he never had, Elizia must navigate a dangerous world, uncovering her past and embracing her destiny as a leader.
From fleeing to the frozen land of Karria, where the scars of a recent succession crisis and external plots for annexation reveal the fragility of peace, to forging bonds with mercenaries and allies like Xander, a lost heir to the neighboring empire's throne, Elizia's story is one of resilience and growth.
The Light of Orderia combines thrilling action, intricate world-building, and profoundly emotional character arcs. It explores themes of friendship, sacrifice, and the courage to rebuild a better world, leaving readers captivated by Elizia's transformative journey.