The "Elemental Wars" series is set on the continent of Volkaris, where various factions vie for power amidst the presence of ancient elemental forces. Central to the world are the Elementors, individuals gifted with elemental abilities like fire, water, earth, and rare powers such as light and gravity. These Elementors are divided into clans based on their elemental affinities, but their internal rivalries and conflicts create instability.
Beyond Elementia, the land of the Elementors, other factions add complexity to the struggle for control. The Kitnas of Felithria, a feline-like tribe, remain neutral but are fierce defenders of their forested lands. In contrast, the Necromancers of Oblivion Vale harness dark magic and undead armies, threatening the balance of power as they seek to unlock the forbidden forces of the Nether.
The Pyroclasts, creatures of lava and stone, emerge from volcanic regions, adding unpredictable elements to the ongoing battles. Meanwhile, humans, though lacking elemental powers, maintain a significant presence through their alliances with the Elementors, relying on their strength for protection.
At the center of the looming danger is the mysterious figure of Herobrine, whose connection to the dark forces of the Nether sends fear rippling through the land, foreshadowing greater conflicts to come.
Themes of division, power, and survival dominate the series, as factions fight not just for territory but for the legacy they will leave behind. The clash of elemental forces, internal strife, and the growing threat of darkness create a world on the brink of destruction, with the fate of Volkaris hanging in the balance.
I also using AI because my English is bad but the whole plot was me, I created the whole plot.
Other Title: Guide to Cultivating as a Cannon Fodder (炮灰修真指南) by Qinglian Yuefu
Becoming a cannon fodder supporting a female character who is destined to die within the first three chapters, Zhang Yiyi decisively begins her self-rescue mode. This is the story of a young girl fighting her way out from among countless cannon fodder, ultimately achieving enlightenment and ascending by breaking through the void.