Set in the far future after an alien invasion that changed social structure and challenged moral and ethics in the face of survival and freedom, a new group of enhanced humans emerged from a dark history. They soon call themselves Shinobi. Different from humans due to the alien strain added into their gene, they were no longer considered subhuman or simple weapons. With their own culture and their own society, the world soon adapted to their presence. But as human as they behaved and appeared, one thing remained true that humans soon adapted and accepted. Shinobi are NOT humans. Hyuuga Hinata is a human student of Shinobi History And Culture visiting the Shinobi Settlement; Konoha, where she met the Alpha Shinobi Uzumaki Naruto who showed an intense interest into making her his Omega. ~ A/N; This is not the Omegaverse you know. There is no glorification or romanticization of rapist/victim in this story. There are no intersex characters in this story. Alpha and Omega are not secondary sex. Consent and self control exist. The law exist and rape will be treated as rape regardless if they are Alpha or Omega. The story is set in a futuristic world post alien invasion that introduced the Shinobi species to humans. The Omegaverse condition only applied to the Shinobi species, a new humanoid race with alien gene born of experimentation. Shinobi all have normal biology, that being no intersex or secondary gender. Alpha and Omega are more of an evolution than a secondary gender. But those with these traits do have feral behaviors that they will temper with self discipline and control.All Rights Reserved