In a world where the echoes of Greek mythology are reimagined through the lives of ordinary humans, Hera, a woman who once held all the power in her marriage, finds herself betrayed by her husband, Zeus. Their love, once fierce and passionate, has faded into a distant memory, and she is left searching for something more-something real.
As she navigates the painful aftermath of her fractured relationship, she encounters a mysterious man beneath the moonlight, whose presence stirs something deep within her. In this world, they are not gods, but humans-flesh and blood, flawed and broken, yet capable of love and redemption.
Will this stranger be the answer to her longing, or will she forever remain haunted by the love she lost?
"Please- it will save the show!" Naudia begged them.
Adrien glanced over at Marinette, who shrugged. It was up to him.
"Why not?"
A contest leads to a duet between Adrien and Marinette. It sparks romance, and soon they know each other more than they did before. 4 insubstantial songs change their lives.