Vynessa Alcazar, an upcoming second-year college student, decided to spend her two months break caring for her grandmother, who lives in a faraway land. Upon arriving there for the very first time, she noticed something unusual. She began questioning everything until she reached the peak of her curiosity, unveiling her grandmother's greatest secret. This secret held the key to unlocking the mystery of her mother's sudden departure and her lack of interest in returning home.
After discovering the truth, Vynessa secretly planned a way out. But knowing the world is full of mysteries, will she be able to escape just like her mother did? But what if someone steps in, making her stay instead of leaving?
Kenta Bernard, a seventeen-year-old, died of leukemia in the hospital and was transmigrated in a novel that he has yet to finish. He is the ill second prince, who should have died by now. However, the God of Light bestowed upon him a light magic that enabled him to survive and begin a new, happier life.