26 parts Ongoing In the bustling halls of high school, where every corner hides a secret and every glance sparks a new adventure, Rudra Shukla-the disciplined, straight-laced head boy-has his life perfectly planned. That is, until Arunima Sharma, the carefree, mischievous rule-breaker, enters his world with her infectious smile and rebellious charm. She's everything he doesn't believe in: love, fun, and spontaneity. But as fate throws them together, the walls Rudra has carefully built around his heart begin to crumble. With friends who are just as chaotic as they are, secrets, pranks, and unexpected moments of tenderness, will Rudra fall for the girl who refuses to follow the rules, or will love remain the biggest distraction of all? One thing's for sure-when these two collide, it's going to be a whirlwind of drama, laughter, and maybe, just maybe, a little bit of Ishq Wala Love.
inspired from : teri deewani by deewani x writers
but this will be a little different cause this takes place in DAV school